Saturday 18 December 2010

Major snow

 No Yurting today, sadly weather too bad and possibly worse to come all day.
Sheena and David took the liner off on Monday, as it was getting very wed and quite muddy.
Which leaves me wondering when we might get it done at all...

But I will send emails round if there is 'a window'.
David - I very much doubt the group will want to come over on Monday in this  cold.
But as the covers may well not get put on till after the holiday, can we get the canvas covers into the metal container, along with the felt?
I'll keep the cotton liner at home till we're ready to go again. And I hope the wooden frame (and sticky door) don't suffer from another week or two without their covers.

Also, could you find out from Paul if they are open at all between Christmas and New Year - I might be able to persuade the family troops to go over there for a day if they are open. But I expect they'll be shut till the 4th - when I'm so bogglingly busy, for weeks, I doubt it'll be finished till NEXT Christmas!


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